Teacher Appreciation Everyday

It takes a special person to be a teacher. I have never held another profession so I can’t compare, but I am pretty certain that it is one of the hardest jobs on the planet. 

Research shows that the average human makes 35,000 decisions a day. Most of these decisions are small and we may not even notice we’re making them. We may make decisions about which direction to turn when you’re driving, what shoes to wear, what to eat for breakfast…..so many decisions! 

Research shows that teachers make 1,500 educational decisions a day….that’s on top of the 35,000 decisions they make for themselves as the average human. If you do the math on that one, they are making about 4 educational decisions a minute in a six-hour work day (and we know their day is waaayyy more than 6 hours!). It has been noted that teachers make more decisions a day than other professionals, second to air-traffic controllers, which is also noted to be the #1 most stressful job.

Decision fatigue much?

So yeah….when I put all of that down on paper, it is no wonder I feel like teaching can be a very challenging job. However, I also believe that educators are doing the most important work on the planet.

And as a parent and former public school educator, it is so important for me to recognize and value that about our teachers.

What teachers do for our children matters.

And the work they do everyday is meaningful.

Yes….they teach the core subjects. They help students meet the school and state standards. They help raise test scores. They write grants to give their students amazing learning experiences. They give feedback so their students can stretch their thinking. The things they do are too numerous to list here!

However, among all the decisions they are making for their students every minute, they are also providing a place of encouragement, support, and motivation for our kids. They are tirelessly working to meet our kids where they are so they can grow. They accept every student for what they bring to the table, challenging or not. And most important, they listen…..teachers listen to student ideas, worries, and points of view, so they can help find their voices.

Trust me…there are times as a parent when I am disappointed in the way a teacher responded to my child. Or, I may not agree with a decision that they make for their students. There are also times when I feel frustrated with the educational system as a whole.

But I also try to remember that everyone working in the education system is human. They have feelings like everyone else. They have families and friends. They make mistakes. And, they can struggle just like any average human.

Just like me, they aren’t perfect. 

The most incredible thing about teachers is when things get hard, they show up each day for our kids. They do their best, no matter what may be going on in their own unique and complex lives. Knowing this, I find it important to offer them as much grace, understanding, and patience that they offer my children. Teachers have big jobs. They are a major part of our villages.

And what they do for our children matters.

At the start of the school year, teachers are working hard to be re-energized, try new things, and make a smooth transition into a new school year for their students. Most likely, they are sitting in professional development training sessions before our kids arrive, learning new things that they will bring back to their classrooms to enrich their students. And I know for a fact that they are using their unpaid last few days of summer to set up their classrooms to make it feel like home for their students.

Teachers are wonderful and selfless creatures that do the work of superheroes. But that’s the thing….they aren’t fictitious characters that comic books are made of. They are human. Just like you and I.

So as the school year starts for my children, and as I watch my educator friends get ready for a new school year,  I just want to express my admiration and appreciation.

I see you. 

I feel you. 

Keep shining your light.

I am so grateful for everything you do.




I’m All In!