The Problem With My Habits…

For the last six months or so, I’ve been really trying hard to focus on my health. I have started to workout daily and have included weight lifting in my routine. I have started to track what I eat everyday, monitoring my calories consumed and increasing my protein and fiber intake. But since late August or so, I’ve noticed an increase in my weight and I don’t like it. So I decided to take a close look at the things that I do everyday and ask myself why I do these things. 

I have a book recommendation for you that is a great one to read, especially with the start of a New Year and the creation of resolutions. I read this book while I was doing some tutoring with a college student. She needed help with her executive functioning skills so we decided to do a mini book club with Atomic Habits by James Clear. The author proposes “easy and proven ways to build good habits and break bad ones.” It is a straighforward read with lots of great stories and anecdotes that kept me interested throughout my reading. One thing that really resonated with me that James Clear writes in his book is, 

“ Your outcomes are a lagging measure of your habits. Your net worth is a lagging measure of your financial habits. Your weight is a lagging measure of your eating habits….you get what you repeat.”

So yeah….wow….James is pretty clear (no pun intended….or maybe it was). My increasing weight is the measure of my eating habits. I am getting what I am repeating. That’s why I wanted to take a look at what habits I have gotten into lately that are giving me these results. I decided to make a list of what I’ve been doing and why I do these things. Here’s what I discovered:

HABIT #1: I get up early, before the rest of my family, to exercise everyday. I do this because I know I won’t have the motivation to do my workout later in the day. Getting up to do my workouts gives me a purpose and ensures my exercise will get done.

HABIT #2: I write down what I eat and drink for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. I do this because I know it will help me count calories and increase/monitor my protein and fiber intake. 

HABIT #3: I pre-plan what I am going to eat everyday as best as I can. I do this so I can be sure I am staying on track and keep myself focused. If I know what I’m planning to eat ahead of time, I won’t stray from my menu, eating something I didn’t plan for…

HABIT #4: A few times a week, I eat a few Club Crackers with Nutella and don’t track it. I’m not sure why I do this. I probably do it because I am bored. Or sometimes I’m stressed and it gives me satisfaction….in the short term. And I really, really, really love Nutella combined with the crunch of the cracker. I can be a sweet-aholic.

HABIT #5: I don’t always accurately weigh and measure my food when I prepare it….sometimes I just “eyeball” it. I do this because I am in a rush and simply don’t feel like measuring. I am probably becoming complacent about something I was doing at the beginning of this journey that was helpful.

HABIT #6: I drink 108oz of water everyday. I do this because I know water intake helps with weight loss. It is also good for my skin and in the winter, I can get very dry. I feel better when I hydrate.

HABIT #7: Most weeks, I only drink alcohol on the weekend. I do this because alcohol has too many calories and I’d rather eat my calories than drink them! I also sleep better when I don’t have alcohol in my system.

HABIT #8: Sometimes, I only write down that I had one glass of wine when really I had more than that….and I don’t measure the size of my glass. I do this because I’ve been depriving myself. I know I want two glasses of wine but don’t save myself enough calories when I pre-plan. I don’t save myself enough calories because I tell myself I’d rather eat my calories but once I get a glass of wine in me, I also want another one of those….

OK….so don’t judge me over these habits. As I began to truly think about my habits, write them down, and reflect on why I do these things, I know why I am gaining weight. 

The bad habits are crystal clear on this list. However, James Clear would tell me that there are no “good” or “bad” habits….there are only effective habits. All habits serve me in some way, even the “bad” ones, which is why I repeat them. Instead of thinking about good or bad habits, I should really look at the things that I do and decide if they will net me positive or negative outcomes. Not weighing my food, avoiding tracking because I am over my calories, and sneaking Nutella and Club Crackers are going to net me weight gain. This is not an outcome I want to continue. 

All this thinking about my health goals and habits got me thinking about other habits I have in my life. How can I improve my financial situation? How can I keep my house in better order? How can I be more organized? What habits have I formed that influence these things?

This is why I am writing about this topic in my blog. I am hoping that I can inspire you to do the same….

What habits do you perform that net positive outcomes?

What habits net negative outcomes?

Is there anything that is making you wonder why things aren’t going the way you want them to?

If you are feeling this, I encourage you to write a list of your habits and why’s, as well. Once you know the habits you want to change, the work can begin.

I guess I have a project ahead of me. It is time to break out my Atomic Habits book and re-read the chapters about the steps I can take to change the habits that aren’t serving me on my weight loss journey. One thing I know for sure is that I truly believe that I am a fit person. If I think and believe this, that is what I will become. So on that note, I think I’ll begin by going through my cabinets….time to chuck the Nutella! Takers, anyone?


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