There’s Value in a Pause
A lot is going on. But not very much is happening at the same time. What do I mean by that?
It seems like the world is spinning. I don’t mean it is spinning on its axis or traveling around the sun. I mean, everyone is spinning. Things are happening. Families are traveling. Friends are busy. Kids are taking part in various activities. My loved ones always seem to be going from one place to another. And me? I’m waiting….
Waiting for new families and students to reach out.
Waiting to announce new classes.
Waiting to launch a book.
Waiting for schools to invite me in.
It’s not that I’m not busy, taking part in various activities, and going from one place to another. It’s just that this month has been quiet. Business has been gradual. And I’m not one to move slowly.
I’ve always struggled with moving at a leisurely pace. I’m not very good at waiting. And it is very much trying my patience. Since I have started my business, despite my efforts to pace myself, I haven’t felt things move this slowly. It leaves me asking….
What am I doing wrong?
What can I do differently?
These questions, as I’m sure you can hear, are laced in doubt and worry within my mind. I’ve had many moments in this last month where I have asked myself if what I’m doing for my business is good enough.
Good enough.
That’s just it, isn’t it? A busy month full of work, students, classes, school visits, social media likes, and more, can increase the value in which I see myself. A slow month does the exact opposite. As I type this, I realize that this is the case with many things I do in my life besides work….
When I am busy I feel worthy.
When things are slow I feel inadequate.
For example, as a mom, when I am busy shuttling my kids from one place to another, assisting with their homework, cooking dinner, helping them solve problems…I feel like a super mom! But my kids are getting older. They won’t always need me to take them somewhere, help them, or make them a meal….will the “super mom” cape disappear?
With work, when I am busy answering emails, planning classes, and talking to families….I feel like a super educator! But sometimes there aren’t that many emails to answer, classes are altogether, and no one has the need to talk to me…..does that mean the ‘super educator” cape vanishes too?
When things are slow, I notice that I start to ask questions of myself that imply I’m doing something wrong and that what I’ve done to get where I am today isn’t good enough.
It is time for me to reframe this thinking.
Life can show up no other way than the way in which you perceive it.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Instead of pondering about what I can do better, maybe I can think of what else I can do. How can I show up for others and for myself in a different way?
This month has given me a much-needed pause to get back to doing what I used to do when I first got this business off the ground. I’ve made connections with other business owners and those that are in my field. I’ve created new ideas for classes and lessons. I’ve added content to my website. I’ve written newsletters and made social media posts. And most importantly, I’ve written this blog post….something that I haven’t done since September when the Fall season left me crazy busy and it all went to the wayside. In other words, this month has given me time to get back to creating the reality I want for my business.
This month is also helping me reflect on the fact that things are shifting and I’m in a new cycle of life. With a new book ready for publication, Calm Education as I know it is going to change. I’m looking forward to a book launch and a local book tour. I’m expecting to get into more schools and host book clubs. And, I anticipate that I will help the adults out there that struggle with feeling that what they are doing in their jobs, in their families, and in their lives isn’t good enough.
You’re not alone.
It happens to the best of us….to ALL of us.
With a short pause to reflect, we can reframe our thinking together,
so we can see our true value.